Tuesday 5 July 2011

Aap ke Deewane (1980)

My second entry for the ongoing Kapoor Khazana going on around the bolly blogosphere is this fun delightful movie from the 80's, yes such adjectives can be used to describe an 80's movie, there were loads of such movies from that much maligned decade which I shall keep on evangelising about on here, we need more 80's bollywood converts

Ram (Rishi Kapoor) and Rahim (Rakesh Roshan) are high achievers at college, they also happen to be the best of buddies, now If being best buddies plus the fact that they consistently top their class wasn't enough for them, they proceed on affirming their superiority in matters of the heart when they keep interfering in College bad boy (every college needs one) Kundan's love affairs
Hurray for Bromance!! And Robert Redford does indeed approve
Kundan playing his game quietly in the corner
Kundan isn't too pleased with their cock blocking ways and he gives them a good dressing down (Gotta love Ranjeet)
Lol, very well said Ranjeet

In revenge for their cock blocking ways, Kundan sets ram up to be accussed of Rape which results in Ram being expelled from college (Don't ever mess with Ranjeet people)

Seeing that his friend Ram has been expelled, Rahim not one to take matters lying down gets into a bloody fight with Kundan to try and get him to confess how he had set Ram up, but such is the fight that Rahim leaves Kundan near dead and fearing arrest he flees college

Now that Ram & Rahim are out of college the two buddies must now find a way to make a living. Ram comes across an advert for an aged Urdu teacher, as such he disguises as an old aged teacher to teach urdu to Colonel Vikram's daughter

Upon getting there a fracas breaks out between Colonel Vikram (Pran) & Inshallal Khan (Ashok Kumar) over what language their daughter should learn as they had both brought her up together (Is there something the director isn't telling us)

To ease matters between them, Mr Khan eventually decides they get a Hindi teacher for Sameera (Tina Munim) as well, which results in Rahim dragging up to play the role of the wanted female teacher

Unfortunately for Rahim Mr Vikram takes a liking to him in drag, he also comes across his daughter's Urdu teacher without his disguise and decides he wants such a man for his daughter

Of course unknown to him is the fact that this same young chap is his daughter's tutor, and when you have a daughter who looks like Sameera, its inevitable many young men will find it hard to resist her, our two college buddies can't help but fall for her

Sameera eventually finds out their secret, but they beg her to keep schtum about it but she agrees to this only if they get up on stage with Jeetendra (in a special appearance possibly Item number)

Soon the two best friends get entangled in a love triangle with Sameera? Will this threaten their relationship? Plus Who gets the girl?

And lest we forget about Kundan, he decides to avenge the scarred face given to him by Rahim, will he succeed, watch Aap ke Deewane to find out?

Cool T-Shirt Rakesh

Aap ke Deewane (Crazy About You) is a sweet, fun filled Bollywood bromance film complete with just the right amounts of romance, bromance, comedy, drama with perhaps just a bit unnecessary action but alas the bad boy had to be dealt with. Overall I'd say Indulge in this 80's film plus unlike a lot of love triangles that annoy me by killing off one character, that doesn't happen here, instead both lovers are giving the freewill to make their own choices

Performance wise everyone one is on good form here plus Rishi just looked way too adorable

Rakesh was fun especially in his drag act

And Tina what can i say, she's such a babe, and she was fun in this, what a Lovely pair she and Rishi make (though at times their Jodi she was upstaged by Rakesh & Rishi's bromance), this was one of her many films with Rishi, I think they went on to do about four more films together. I am seeking Bade Dilwala earnestly, but they also appeared together in Karz, Yeh Vaada Raha and Deedar-E-Yaar

And of course how dare I end this post without giving props to Ranjeet, what a stylish bad ass college bad boy, of course he was way past it to be playing the college bad guy but so were our heroes (well apart from Rishi) but Ranjeet pulled it off, and no one could have brought the attitude and fierceness he brought to his Kundan Character, he even rocks some Jumpsuits as well (Ranjeet Zindabad!!!)

Lovely songs by Rajesh Roshan on here from the fun bicycle song 'Ramkaren Allahkaren' (I truly love the African/Caribbean guys at the beginning of the song) to the lovely 'Tumko khush dekhar' and my utmost favourite and one of my favourite bollywood snow songs 'Mere dil mein' (Tina Munim was surely one of the hottest beauties in 80's bollywood)

Paisa Vasool Rating: 6.5/10


  1. Soo many jumpsuits on Ranjeet and getting up in drag for Rishi and Rakesh! Sounds like an ideal movie! You simply must contribute something to Shameful Classics week or month that I've organized once again this year! I know you've got lots of good ones on your shelf!

  2. I cannot believe I haven't seen this - being the Rishi Kapoor Fangirl #1 and loving the Rishi-Tina jodi as much as I do (Bade Dil Wala is one of my all-time faves!). I really have to go get this one, it sounds so fun. Can I just say again how much I love your blog? :-)

  3. i totaly agree w/u rishi was so cute and him and tina made a amazing pairing.. rakesh was amazing in this movie too. hey, i see ur a big rekha fan too. so please do check my blog. as it is dedicated to her.

  4. As is the case with many Hindi films, I saw it on DD ages ago.
    And if I remember right, it was quite an enjoyable film. A time pass film. But I couldn't remember Rakesh' drag act. Wonder how I could forget it!
    Tina is pleasant for the eye, but she can't act to save her life.
    More than Rishi-Rakesh bromance I loved Pran-Ashok's bantering like an old married couple.

  5. Seen this film long ago and had forgotten that Rishi Kapoor was not as fat as he is now. It is refreshing to see a leaner Rishi in the screen caps.

  6. Even though I am not a fan of a lot of 80s films, I have to admit to a liking for some of these very early 80s ones, especially the ones with Rishi Kapoor! Have seen this one at least twice - mainly because there was so much eye candy here, and the music was so good! I don't remember much of the story (except for the fact that there was a love triangle), but yes: the Rishi-Tina jodi is one of my favourites (I don't know how many times I've watched Yeh Vaada Raha!)

  7. is it really tina munim??..cudnt believe till saw d pics u've shared!!..else,nice review as wasnt aware of tis flick till date ;)

  8. @ Rum Right on, I shall be joining you for sure, but the problem most times is your trash is my classic (Neal 'N Nikki for example), where do i draw the line

    @ Amaluu thank so much, you've just made me hungry to see Bade Dilwala even more, i hope it gets a proper dvd release soon

    @ Sonali I love your blog, thanks for all that Rekha loving on you blog and yes you're totally right I'm in love with the woman and your blog gets the thumbs up from me, Thanks a lot

    @ Harvey Yes it was very much an enjoyable flick, very good in fact for how people tend to remember the 80's.Indeed Ashok and Pran did look like a couple themselves, what with them raising Tina and then calling themselves her Daddies. i've come across that criticism of Tina myself but most times i find her highly watchable

    @ Shilpi Yes he has indeed gained weight, i guess it was inevitable as he's ageing

    @ Dusted Off True Yeh vaada Raha is an all time favourite of mine, I love it to bits and its one of my all time comfort movies maybe I'll dig it up for Kapoor Khazana

    @ the Brad Thanks buddy, do check it out if it comes on Tv, and Yes that is Tina Munim indeed, I know she looks a bit different now but she was a total Babe in the 80's definitely one of the hottest actresses back then.

  9. @bollywoodeewana: Oh, yes - please! Would love to read your review of that. It's one of the few 80s films I've seen so many times, I know almost which scene follows which. :-)

  10. @ dustedoff same here, i'll see if I'ma able to mange it, if not now definitely at some other point

  11. Hi came across your blog today- another great one after dusted off- I too have started a blog on the similar lines- have done almost 20 reviews till now- but the strange thing is that none of the movies I reviewed feature on your blog :)


    Do Bhiga Zamin, Achanak, Namak Haram, Haqeeqat, Ijaazat, Kinaara, Khushboo, Yateem, Mirch Masala, Khamosh, Katha, Sparsh, Chitchor, Deewar, Ankush, DHund, Jurmana

    Do check it out- you may find it interesting...

  12. Thanks Piyush, I'll definitely check out your blog and follow

  13. Oh my god, I positive ADORE this film, it's so much fun! And though I don't think Rakesh Roshan holds a candle to Rishi Kapoor (who positively oozes charm) their chemistry is very well played out in the film. Tina Munim, not a big fan of hers, but gotta admit, she is quite pretty :)

  14. Hi neha, tahnks for dropping by and commenting. I agree this is quite a delghtful film, and oh yes Tina is very Beautiful pretty is an understatement in my opinion :)

  15. Thanks for the review of my fav.movie.Loved all songs of this movie.

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